Susan Gabor CFP®
Sue is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) with more than 20 years of financial planning experience. Her platform experience includes American Express, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab. She also has experience with most of the popular financial and retirement planning software applications, including extensive experience with eMoney.
Sue's official title at Financial Planning Hawaii is "Client Happiness Consultant." Her job description includes assisting clients with eMoney and Schwab, contacting clients with maturing CDs and bonds, and reaching out for general financial wellness checkups. She works full-time remotely from her home in Pennsylvania and coordinates her schedule to accommodate FPH clients across all U.S. time zones. Meetings can be conducted via phone, Zoom, or Facetime.
Sue joined Financial Planning Hawaii because of our adherence to a fiduciary standard and emphasis on comprehensive financial planning instead of investment product sales. We believe clients will be impressed with her patience, friendly demeanor, and industry knowledge.